Sport events
The Comarca de las Cinco Villas has a yearly plan of monthly activities covering a wide range of sport disciplines that take place in winter and summer, with classes that ‘move around’ the municipalities so that sport reaches everyone even if they live in a remote village with no possibility to practice sport without taking the car. Thus, there are classes of spinning, Zumba, yoga, gymnastics, keep-fit activities and gerontogimnastics among others, and, in summer, swimming and other water-related disciplines.
Then, from April, the trekking program begins, to invite both local people and visitors to discover the different areas of the region, such as the mountains of Luesia, Biel or Castiliscar, passing through The Bardenas Negras and other impressive locations, such as the one offered by the walk up to the hermitage of La Magdalena, in Urriés.
MTB routes and numerous pedestrian races (El Poyad, 5K Uncastillo, La Dolorosa and ‘No hay pitera’, in Longás, or the ones walked by the Sierra de Santo Domingo), are also offered in that programme. It is worth noting that the local associations of the towns involved, also support this initiative led by the Comarca as it is a way to involve local people in the local sport life.
Among other curious proposals, we could mention fitness masterclasses, the petanque tournaments, for elderly people, the involvement with the schools during the holiday time, and large sporting events, such as the ‘Cycling in Life’ Days, in Ejea, or the Futsal Values Congress that takes place in Castiliscar. Both events take place in autumn. In a few words: a wide range of possibilities that brings sport to all Cinco Villas’ people to their doorstep.